


Rhinoplasty in Toronto – Refine Your Nose Shape

Millions of people seek consultation with plastic surgeons every year to improve facial appearance, including nose surgery.
If you suffer from breathing issues or injury to your nose or simply do not like your nose`s shape or size, you have come to the right place. Our cosmetic surgery clinic in Toronto has helped thousands of patients achieve their desired facial profile with the help of nose surgery; we`ve also helped to quell their fears and correct their misconceptions regarding getting a nose job.

Are you contemplating cosmetic nose surgery?

Whether you`re just starting to express your desire for a more sculpted and refined nose, or you`re ready to sit down with a cosmetic surgeon in Toronto to discuss your goals, our cosmetic surgery clinic is here to help.

La Fontaine Source De Jeunesse Cosmetic Surgery Centre is dedicated to supporting you through your nose surgery procedure, helping you meet your health and aesthetic goals.

Our rhinoplasty procedure is very much tailored to your personal requirements and wishes while being both safe and capable of delivering life-changing results.

At La Fontaine Source De Jeunesse Cosmetic Surgery Centre, successful cosmetic facial plastic surgery results are from a good rapport between patient and surgeon.

Trust, based on realistic expectations and exacting medical expertise, develops in the consulting stages before surgery.

Your Toronto rhinoplasty surgeon can answer all of your questions about your specific needs.

Is Cosmetic Nose Surgery for You?

La Fontaine Source De Jeunesse Cosmetic Surgery Centre is pleased to have Dr. El Masri on our team. Dr. El Masri is one of Toronto`s leading and most requested Cosmetic Surgeons. His artistic and precise skillset combined with his compassionate manner has made him a leading surgeon in the field of Rhinoplasty, and face and neck surgeries. With many years of experience and a true dedication to his work Dr. El Masri is absolutely your number one choice when considering your options. He is fluent in Armenian, Arabic, French, Italian, and English languages. Call us today to book your complimentary consultation.

We are one of the leading cosmetic surgery and rhinoplasty centres in Toronto, and our patients are number one priority.

Please put your trust in us and call for your complimentary consultation today. 416-962-4444

Rhinoplasty Overview

Rhinoplasty is a form of plastic surgery that enhances the nose by surgically altering its form, shape, and structure. Rhinoplasty may also be done for non-cosmetic reasons, such as improving breathing through the nasal passage. As the nose is a very defining part of the face, anyone considering rhinoplasty must know the different procedures offered, any risks involved during and after surgery, and possible procedure outcomes. Further, we make it a point to sit down with each of our patients contemplating nose surgery to level their expectations following their rhinoplasty.

Candidates for Rhinoplasty: Why Do I Need Nose Surgery?

Most people are interested in getting a rhinoplasty for the following reasons:

  • They want to reduce or increase the size of their nose
  • They want to remove a bump on the bridge of the nose
  • They want to make their nose symmetrical
  • They want to change the size of their nostrils
  • They have an asymmetrical nose due to an injury or accident and want it corrected
  • They have nasal breathing problems and would like to clear their nasal passages

To be considered for a rhinoplasty procedure, all patients must have a fully developed face, be physically healthy, refrain from smoking, and have realistic expectations about the procedure.

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Three Types of Rhinoplasty Procedures

Cosmetic rhinoplasty

A cosmetic rhinoplasty involves incisions made inside and outside of the nostrils. Where the incisions are made is dependent on what kind of nasal issue is being addressed. During the nose surgery, cartilage, bones, and soft tissue are reshaped to meet the patient`s desires best.

Septoplasty surgery

A septoplasty surgery focuses on straightening the nasal septum to reduce obstructions to the nasal passage. When the nasal septum`s position prevents air from flowing through the nose properly, sinus issues and infections can occur. A septoplasty can help patients who suffer from serious sinus problems.

Injection rhinoplasty

An injection rhinoplasty works to correct the nose`s size and shape by injecting a filler into the nose for a smoother appearance. Injection rhinoplasty is minimally invasive, involves very little pain and swelling, and provides immediate results.

Two types of incisions can be made when undergoing nose surgery: open/external rhinoplasty and closed/internal rhinoplasty.

Open rhinoplasty involves incisions made at the base of the nose. Specifically, the incision is made across the tissue that separates the nostrils, called the columella. Next, the nasal skin is lifted over the cartilage and bone to allow surgeons to access the entire nasal structure.

Closed rhinoplasty involves incisions made inside the nostrils to eliminate the appearance of scars. However, internal rhinoplasty is best suited for less dramatic procedures to the nose. These can include small changes to the dorsal bridge, tip, and nasal passages.

Most surgeons combine both the open and closed rhinoplasty during a nose surgery to better access the nasal structure while leaving minimal scarring and maintaining nasal function.

Various Structural Problems Corrected By Rhinoplasty

Most patients undergo rhinoplasty for aesthetic concerns. Nose surgery can make several different cosmetic corrections. Some may find that they prefer a straighter nose bridge due to a hump on their nasal bridge. Others may want to change the shape and size of the tip or base of their nose. Some other patients may desire a shorter or longer nose due to protruding or a stumpy appearance, respectively. It is also common for patients to want to straighten crooked noses.

Dorsal Hump

Many people may find that due to an overgrowth of the bones and cartilage in the nasal bridge, which is most often hereditary, they have a bump along the bridge of their nose. This bump may also occur as the result of an accident or injury. This bump often makes the nose appear more prominent on the face and can elongate its appearance from different angles. During the nose surgery for a dorsal hump alteration, incisions are made either internally or externally, depending on whether the nose`s tip needs to be addressed. Most frequently, open rhinoplasty is used because this type of incision allows surgeons to access a large area of the nasal structure to assess what corrections need to be made properly. Once the small incisions are made, the bridge bump`s bones and cartilage are filed down using a nasal rasp, and excess cartilage is removed. The incisions are then stitched closed.

Bulbous Tip

Some people may have a large tip of the nose, usually caused by excess growth of the lower lateral cartilages. Injury may also cause this to happen. During the procedure, an open rhinoplasty is done, and the upper portion of cartilage on the tip of the nose is removed. The remaining cartilage is then contoured to ensure a pleasing and proportionate appearance. Finally, the incisions are sutured together.

A bulbous tip may also be the cause of an overly protruding nose tip. This problem requires the nose`s tip to be dropped to be proportioned to the rest of the nasal structure. This correction is done by removing lower lateral cartilage from the tip of the nose.

Wide Nose

To correct extensive nasal bones, the doctor must first break the nasal structure. Surgically, this procedure is referred to as a nose osteotomy. During the nose surgery, specific tools are used to break the nasal bones and push them inward. This will decrease the width of the upper part of the nose. The nose`s bridge will be filed to an appropriate shape during the surgery to ensure a smooth appearance and contour.

Narrow Nose

In the case of an extremely narrow nose, patients may find their nasal structure is too thin and weak. As a result, when they inhale, the middle portion of the nasal structure collapses. During the nose surgery, cartilage can be taken either from the ear or the nasal septum and sutured together to widen and support the thin nose`s middle section. This helps to prevent the nose from collapsing when inhaling.

Long Nose

Those with very long noses may find this aesthetically displeasing, as their long or protruding nose looks dis-proportioned to the rest of their face. Most of the time, along with a long nose, patients may have a bridge bump and a deviated septum. To change the nose`s length, it is important to determine the nose bridge`s strength and structure to evaluate if it needs to be altered with the surgery. During the procedure, an open rhinoplasty is done, and the skin on the bridge of the nose is lifted. Next, the lower part of the septum is removed to shorten the length of the nose. As the nose`s tip is now shortened, it must be properly supported by grafted cartilage and closed with sutures after the nose surgery.

Short Nose

Some patients may have an excessively short nose or a nose with little projection. During the procedure, open rhinoplasty is done, and the cartilage in the nasal tip is modified to the desired length. The cartilage change is supported by cartilage grafted onto the columella, allowing the nose to stay projected for a long time.

Weak Nose Bridge

A weak nose bridge results from having insufficient bone and cartilage in the nose bridge, leaving the nose bridge to sink in. This may also occur from injury or irregularities from a previous rhinoplasty. There are two ways to correct this problem: an injection rhinoplasty or insertion of cartilage and tissue. An injection rhinoplasty would involve injecting a filler to strengthen the nose bridge and reconstruct it. However, these results last up to two years. A more permanent solution would be to surgically remove and insert bone, cartilage, or tissue from another part of the body to the nasal bridge. As well, an artificial solution would be to insert silicone to lift and strengthen the nose bridge.

Wide Nostrils

Those with excessively wide nostrils can undergo rhinoplasty to decrease the width of their nasal bones. During the procedure, either an open or closed rhinoplasty is done, and then a small portion of the nostril tissue is removed.

A rhinoplasty procedure can also improve nasal function or correct the deformation of previous rhinoplasty surgery. During the procedure, patients are given either local or general anesthesia. Open or closed rhinoplasty can be done, depending on the severity of the correction needed. Due to the nature of this specific type of rhinoplasty, surgeons may either need to re-position already existing cartilage and tissue in the nose, or they may have to replace previously removed cartilage and tissue to provide improved results. Though the recovery process will vary for each patient, patients find less swelling, bruising, and pain in a revision surgery than a first-time rhinoplasty.

Most rhinoplasty surgeries take between one to three hours, depending on the type of procedure being done. Patients may need to rest after the surgery for a few hours before going home but will return home on the same day.

To determine which type of procedure would be most suitable for each patient, patients should be honest about their expectations and any health problems during a consultation with a surgeon. A consultation will also allow surgeons to answer any questions or concerns before undergoing rhinoplasty surgery. To better understand what the results of rhinoplasty may look like, patients can see before and after images of previous patients who have undergone rhinoplasty. Another preferable option is for patients to view computer imaging of the outcome of their rhinoplasty surgery.

During Nose Surgery

During many rhinoplasty surgeries, it is common for nasal fluid to flow back into the throat. Surgeons must be aware of this factor and provide a throat protector to prevent this fluid from entering the lungs. A throat protector is usually given with general anesthesia. In addition to the general anesthesia, local anesthesia is injected into the nose to minimize pain, bruising, and swelling after the procedure. Local anesthesia alone can be used for procedures that solely focus on the tip of the nose. Nonetheless, rhinoplasty surgeries involve very minimal pain. After the surgery, a sterile packing is placed inside the nose and kept for about three days to reduce bleeding. A cast is also placed on the nose to support the bones that may have needed to be broken during surgery. The cast is usually left on the nose for a week. The doctor will administer pain medications to accommodate any post-operative pain.

Nose Types by Ethnicity: What To Expect from Your Rhinoplasty

The best surgeon understands that all noses are different. One reason why noses vary in shape and size is due to ethnicity. Some people from certain ethnicities have flatter noses, while others from another ethnicity have wider noses. Patients can have the most appealing results if their surgeon considers any genetic factors that contribute to the shape of a patient`s nose and what enhancements the patient desires. By considering and understanding each patient`s ethnicity, surgeons can better provide patients with more natural-looking results. After all, most patients do not want their rhinoplasty to look dramatic or fake. Caring and intelligent surgeons will avoid treating all rhinoplasty surgeries with a one size fits all approach and will strive to provide patients with authentic and customized care to meet their expectations as best as possible. It is important to note that it is incorrect to categorize all people from a specific ethnic background as having the same-shaped nose. Still, in general, those of the same background tend to have similar facial features.

Rhinoplasty for Caucasian Patients

Caucasian patients considering rhinoplasty typically have an overly projected nasal tip. The tip itself may be shaped like an equilateral triangle. As well, the nasal bridge tends to be higher on the face. Though this varies, it is not uncommon for Caucasian patients to have thinner skin on the skin, which is also a factor to consider when doing rhinoplasty. It is not appealing to have surgical changes show from under the skin. It is common for the columella`s skin on the noses of Caucasian patients to belong, so it is crucial that cartilage grafting be placed properly.

Rhinoplasty for African-American/Canadian and Mixed Race Patients

Patients who fall under this category typically have noses with a less projected and wider tip. The nose bridge may also be lower. The nose may start lower on the face, and the columella may be short. Sometimes doctors must remove the skin at the base of the nose to narrow the nose`s width because African-American/Canadian and patients mixed with Black may have thicker skin. Surgeons must be cautious not to reduce the nose excessively, as this will lead to a disfigured and unappealing nose. The noses of African-American/Canadian and mixed-race patients are likely to vary greatly in size, shape, and thickness of skin so that a skilled surgeon will take all of this into account.

Rhinoplasty for Asian Patients

Those of Asian descent, excluding South Asians, may also have certain similarities in their nose`s appearance. It is common for the nasal tip of Asian patients to be less projected. Further, the nasal tip is generally wider, and the nasal bridge is lower. The noses of Asian patients may begin lower on the face, and the columella may be short.

Rhinoplasty for South Asian Patients

Those of South Asian descent typically have a more projected and thinner nasal tip. The nasal bridge may be higher. Patients of South Asian descent commonly have thinner skin, so surgeons must consider this when performing any nose reductions.

As previously stated, every nose shape, size, and thickness of skin varies by patient, regardless of their ethnic backgrounds. Nevertheless, some commonalities are found in the noses of those of the same ethnic and racial backgrounds, which are considered when performing a rhinoplasty. This knowledge will help surgeons give patients a more natural-looking nose instead of a dramatically enhanced one.

Possible Risks and Complications

As with any surgery, some possible risks and complications can occur during and after the procedure. Patients can avoid these risks and complications if the surgeon conducting the rhinoplasty is skilled and carefully follow their surgeon`s instructions.

After surgery, because the nasal bones are broken during the procedure, some bone shifting can occur. This shifting results in an irregular appearance. However, this shifting can be corrected simply by sculpting the bone back into its regular position. Other risks involved in rhinoplasty include excessive bleeding, tearing, bone weakening, infections, and trouble breathing through the nose. If the nasal passage`s airways are blocked or the bones in the nasal bridge collapse, patients can have problems inhaling. If any of these complications occur, patients must go to the emergency right away and contact their surgeons.

Fortunately, in the hands of skilled and careful surgeons, such complications and risks are rare or minimal. One of the most effective ways patients can help prevent such risks and complications from occurring is to stop smoking at least a month before surgery. If recommended by a cosmetic surgeon during the consultation, patients should stop taking certain medications and supplements. Smoking causes the blood to be thin, which can seriously affect the actual procedure and the recovery process. Patients are also advised to be completely honest about their health condition when they speak with surgeons during a consultation. This information can significantly help surgeons to know what rhinoplasty procedures would be most suitable for each patient.

Post-Operative Care

After a rhinoplasty procedure, patients must take caution and care of their noses to ensure a fast and smooth recovery. There is very minimal pain associated with rhinoplasty and during recovery. Most patients feel more discomfort than pain. After the procedure, a sterile packing is inserted into the nose, which can be discomfort. This pack is used to prevent excessive bleeding from occurring. Further, a cast is put over the nose to support weakened and broken bones and tissue. The cast prevents the nose from being able to move, which can also be a discomfort. For these reasons, patients will have to breathe through their mouths for the first three days after surgery, after the internal packing removal.

The cast is removed after a week. It is also best that patients take a week off from work and activities because of swelling, bruising, and darkness around the eyes due to blood deep in the tissues. After a rhinoplasty, the surgically enhanced nose will be quite delicate. It is advised that patients avoid strenuous activities and glasses that sit on the nose for up to six weeks after surgery to ensure proper healing.

Patients should also refrain from using any ice packs on their noses during the recovery period, blowing their noses, or getting their noses wet. Taking a bath rather than a shower would be an easier way to prevent the area from getting wet. To prevent any shifting, damage, or pain, it is best that patients who have undergone rhinoplasty surgery avoid making intense facial expressions and wearing clothing that has to be pulled over the head. During follow-up treatments, surgeons will let patients know how their recovery is going and when they can return to doing certain activities.

It is most common for patients to go back to work after a week. The procedure`s result takes about six weeks to five months to show without any irregularities or swelling. Swelling in the nasal tip takes the longest to go down, but this usually is not significantly visible. For those who are most concerned about their nose`s appearance during the recovery period, a simple distraction, such as a new haircut or color, can really decrease the attention on their nose. Overall, as long as patients have reasonable expectations for their rhinoplasty, surgeons can do their best to provide a more natural look.

To book your complimentary appointment, call us today at (416) 962 4444.

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