Protruding ears are a common physical feature. They can make you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious at any age. But it can be resolved with the help of Otoplasty (Ear Surgery).
What is Otoplasty?
Otoplasty, also known as Ear Surgery, is a cosmetic surgery that changes the size, shape, and position of the ears. People choose to opt-in for this surgery if they have a birth defect, misshapen ears or protruding ears.
When Is The Best Time To Get An Otoplasty?
This surgery can be performed at any age after the ears have reached their full size, usually around five or six years. La Fontaine Source de Jeunesse Centre assists patients of any age and provides the highest level of comfort during their life-changing decision.
Not only is it possible to “pin back” ears, but ears can also be reshaped, resized, or get more symmetrical. Even a mild defect can lead to poor adaptation in school for children and low self-esteem in adults.
Do You Need a Consultation Before the Otoplasty Surgery?
We highly suggest booking a consultation with the doctor during the consideration process. Just to make sure you have all the information in hand before making a decision.
Your surgeon can answer specific questions about your needs and health concerns, and it is also important to understand the surgery.
A positive attitude toward the surgery is an important factor in all facial plastic surgery. But it is especially critical when the patient is a child or adolescent. That is why the consultation is an important part of any surgery and a key to its success.
Things to Consider Before the Otoplasty
An important thing to know is that Otoplasty will not alter your hearing ability. What is essential for a successful Otoplasty procedure is that the ears be in proportion to the size and shape of the face and head.
Adult Otoplasty candidates should be aware that the firmer cartilage of fully developed ears does not allow for the same molding capacity as in children.
How To Book An Otoplasty Surgery?
A consultation with one of our highly experienced facial plastic surgeons can help you decide what is best for you or your child. Not only aesthetically but also psychologically and physically.
Timing is always an important consideration; don’t wait if you think you need Otoplasty.
Based on your overall personal goals, you can combine this surgery with other facial plastic surgery procedures. Book your consultation today if you’re considering getting otoplasty surgery now or in the future.
La Fontaine Source De Jeunesse Cosmetic Surgery Centre is pleased to have Dr. El Masri on our team. Dr. El Masri is one of Toronto`s leading and most requested Cosmetic Surgeons. His artistic and precise skill set combined with his compassionate manner has made him a leading surgeon in the field of Rhinoplasty and face and neck surgeries. With many years of experience and a true dedication to his work Dr. El Masri is absolutely your number one choice when considering your options. He is fluent in Armenian, Arabic, French, Italian and English languages. Call us today to book your complimentary consultation.

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Otoplasty Overview
Sometimes people are not happy with the shape of their ears, or they have been involved in an accident that deformed the original shape.
Otoplasty surgery is the procedure used to correct misshapen or protruding ears. Some people may find that their ears are disproportioned to their head or are asymmetrical. Others may have ears that fold inward or lack a fold, giving them a larger appearance.
All of these issues can be corrected with otoplasty to yield a more pleasing look. Otoplasty surgery operates only on the outer portion of the ear, so hearing is not affected. Surgery can also be done specifically on the ear lobe to repair tearing or stretching.
Confidence and trust in your facial plastic surgeon are of paramount importance. During the consultation, the surgeon will examine the structure of the ears and discuss the possibilities for correcting the problems. Even if only one ear needs to be pinned back, resized, or reshaped, surgery will probably be recommended on both ears to achieve the most natural, symmetrical appearance.
After you and the surgeon decide that you or your child will have the procedure, your surgeon will discuss the process.
Following a thorough medical history, your surgeon will explain the kind of anesthesia required, your preparation, and post-surgery expectations and recovery.
Typically, your surgeon will suggest general anesthesia for young patients and a local anesthetic combined with a mild sedative for older children and adults.
Under normal conditions, otoplasty requires approximately two hours.
Are You A Candidate for Otoplasty?
Before undergoing any procedure, candidates must be in good health and must have stopped smoking at least two weeks prior to the procedure. As well, patients should always be realistic about the results of an otoplasty. Any adult who feels their ears are misshaped, too large, disproportioned, or protrude too much, can consider getting an otoplasty. During the consultation, surgeons will take pictures and measurements of the patient`s ears to ensure precision. Patients will also be given the chance to view before and after pictures of previous patients who have undergone otoplasty surgery.
During the consultation, patients can express their concerns and have their questions answered. As long as patients are honest about their goals and medical history during a consultation with a surgeon, surgeons can do their best to obtain the most appropriate results.
About the Procedure
During the procedure, patients are given either local or general anesthesia. Next, an incision is made behind the ear, nearest to the skull. The skin is lifted to give access to cartilage. Depending on the desired results, some cartilage may need to be removed. The cartilage is adjusted and pinned back to the skull using stitches. Dissolvable or permanent stitches can also be used.
There is usually very little pain involved in otoplasty surgery, and pain medications are administered to patients after the procedure. A large dressing is then wrapped around the head to prevent the ears from shifting and to apply pressure on the ears to reduce bleeding. The entire procedure lasts around two hours. A thin scar will appear in the crease between the ear and skull, which is almost invisible. Patients will be allowed to go home on the same day of the procedure.
Post-operative Care
The dressing will be removed the following day, and a new bandage will be applied. This new bandage should be worn for a week to keep the ears in their new position and shape because the stitches behind the ear will be very delicate for some time. This bandage will need to be kept dry until it is removed, so wearing a shower cap during showers and baths would be best. Further, a headband will be given to patients to wear while they sleep for three months. This headband is also used to protect the ears. Surgeons will give patients detailed instructions on all post-operative care during consultation and after the procedure.
Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and sports for at least three weeks after the procedure. However, light activities can be done after a day of recovery.
Possible Risks and Complications
Every cosmetic surgery involves possible risks and complications. Although rare, the most common complication associated with otoplasty is the breaking or tearing of the stitches. This can cause the ears to bleed, return to their original shape, deform, or develop abnormal scarring. As well, infections can occur, or the ear may not heal properly.
If any of these abnormalities occur, patients are urged to notify their surgeons and go to the hospital immediately. It is very crucial that patients be honest with surgeons about any medical conditions prior to surgery and carefully follow instructions on post-operative care. Nevertheless, under the hands of a skilled and caring surgeon, these risks and complications can be avoided.
Otoplasty For Children
Children can also undergo otoplasty. In fact, otoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries for children. Children tend to get teased for the shape of their ears or for having protruding ears. Further, some children may be born with cartilage missing from their ears, which can also be corrected by adding cartilage during an otoplasty procedure. Otoplasty can be done on children whose ears are fully developed, which is usually after four years old.
There is no additional risk for children undergoing otoplasty compared to adults. It might even be best to have an otoplasty done as a child because the cartilage in the ear is much more flexible at a younger age, making it much easier to shape. After an otoplasty, children will need to avoid direct contact sports for at least six weeks. More on the specific differences and instructions for post-operative care in younger patients can be discussed during a consultation.