


Weight Loss With Gastric Balloon – Orbera® managed weight loss system

All Gastric Balloon Procedures are performed by our Gastroenterologists. Dr. Lawrence B Cohen, MSc FRCP, specializes in the gastric balloon weight loss surgery.

Lawrence Cohen, MD, joined La Fontaine Cosmetic Surgery Centre Canada as a Gastroenterologist in 2012. He also serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at University of Toronto, a position he has held since 2000. Dr. Cohen is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and holds a Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Licensure.
Since 1985, Dr. Cohen has been an active gastroenterology consultant at the Sunnybrook Health Science Centre in addition to medical and acting director positions there.Raised in Toronto, Canada, he began his post secondary school education at the University of Toronto, earning a Bachelor of Science degree, and later, his Masters of Science degree in Pharmacology.

A man in white lab coat sitting next to a wall.
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He attended McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario) where he earned his Doctor of Medicine degree and continued his post-graduate training with an internal medicine internship. He completed his residencies at Sunnybrook Medical Center, Toronto, and Austin Hospital, Melbourne, Australia respectively. Dr. Cohen continued at the University of Toronto and Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, to complete his subspecialty and clinical fellowships in gastroenterology. Dr. Cohen has been an active member in numerous Canadian and American gastroenterology-related societies and committees, and over the past thirty years, has received many awards for his research, teaching and academic accomplishments. He has written or collaborated in 22 peer-reviewed journals, 39 abstracts and has been a presenting speaker to 26 learned societies.Dr. Cohen enjoys all that life has to offer, and lives for his family of five sons and a supportive, loving wife.

Lose Weight with the Intragastric Balloon

Struggling to lose weight with diet and exercise? It`s time for a more permanent and lasting weight loss solution! Our cosmetic surgery clinic in Toronto offers gastric balloons to provide you with a healthy and improved figure in no time. With a gastric balloon you can lose pounds in months, and exclusively at La Fontaine Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, you can gain access to 6 months of lifestyle and dietary support coaching. Step out in a sexier, more defined figure in no time, and keep your best body for good through our ongoing support.

The gastric balloon weight loss surgery has been a leading solution in Europe for over 10 years now, and we`re proud to offer it in Toronto, Canada! Ready to start the journey to a healthier, sexier you? Ask us about financing options – 0% down if you qualify! Book a consultation by calling 416-962-4444 or visit us at 890-A Yonge Street, downtown Toronto.

* Results may vary.

Lose weight non-surgically with the world's #1 weight loss balloon

Fast Forward Your Weight Loss Now!
Our comprehensive Gastric Balloon Program includes:

* The Gastric Balloon needs no surgery, no cutting. * Lose weight safely achieving and maintaining a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life. * Taking control of your weight safely without the risk of surgery or drugs. Our unique and proprietary diet and life-style management coaching doctrine and methodology includes in-person service delivery; video counselling; video conferencing; and SMS/E-Mail support. The program is intense for six months but lasts a year. Your life will be changed and you will finally feel comfortable and happy eating a sensible, normal diet, post-balloon. We`ll stay with you for six months after your balloon is extracted. After that first six months we will follow up on your progress and support you when needed with additional counseling visits up to 12 months from start.

We Have the Newest and Best Weight Loss Program for You

Our skilled medical professionals at our clinic in Toronto have dealt with all the mental and physical challenges of people who need to lose weight. Our multi-disciplined plan-including the intragastric balloon, a non-surgical weight loss alternative-can deliver the weight-loss you need. We positively change people`s lives. Offering a simple Gastric Balloon procedure supported by six months of powerful lifestyle management coaching and another six months of support, you will lose weight.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Gastric Balloon

Check out our dedicated weight loss platform at Options Weight Loss Clinic.

How does the Gastric Balloon work?

An intragastric balloon is part of our multi-discipline plan for weight loss. You will participate in all aspects of the plan for up to six months. The first step is the shortest. Insertion of the intragastric balloon takes minutes. The ‘Gastric Balloon` partially fills the stomach causing an early feeling of eating satisfaction. Patients report a feeling of satiation or fullness after eating smaller portions of food. There is no alteration to digestion or absorption of nutrients. This process positively changes overeating habits.

How is the gastric balloon procedure performed?

Specially trained general surgeons (orgastroenterologists) skilled in laproscopy along with trained nursing staff perform these procedures. The silicone balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth. The physician inserts a gastro-scope (endoscopic camera) into the stomach to ascertain what if any abnormalities may exist. Next the physician continues with the insertion of the balloon through the mouth down to the stomach. Once adjusted inside the stomach the unit is filled with a sterile saline solution through a small tube that is attached to the balloon. Once filled the physician gently removes the tube leaving the balloon inside the stomach.

How long should the gastric balloon stay inside the stomach?

This balloon can stay in place for six months. It is not recommended to leave it in the stomach longer than six months. If a longer period is desired, removal and insertion of a new unit is recommended.

What are the possible side-effects associated with the gastric balloon?

Most people find that their gastric balloon settles quickly, usually within 2 to 4 days. Side effects can include nausea, bloating and stomach cramps which can be resolved with light, over-the-counter, or even stronger medication.

How is the recovery after the procedure?

The gastric balloon weight loss process is essentially an outpatient procedure done in about twenty minutes followed by a ninety minute or more period of in-clinic monitoring by professional nursing staff in our recovery area. No surgical procedure is required.

Do I need a special diet following the procedure?

You will follow a liquid diet for three days after the procedure. You will eat soft food after the third day for another ten days. After two weeks you return to normal eating with small portions. Starting a diet before the insertion of the gastric balloon will help the body adjust to smaller food portions and alleviate some hunger in the first three days after the procedure. The gastric balloon regulates excessive feelings of food-need you might have previously felt.

Will the gastric balloon limit my activities?

The first 2 to 4 days you should not plan any heavy activity. After your body has adapted to the gastric balloon, you can continue your normal activities. We are going to emphasize regular exercise plus steps to enhance your health and help you look your very best.

How will the gastric balloon be removed?

The gastric balloon is removed through the mouth. The procedure is done under sedation or under a general anesthetic and is over quickly.

How will I know what to do to keep on track, lose weight and keep those pounds off me?

We will talk to you about a life-style coach to help guide you through the process. Our unique and proprietary diet and life-style management coaching doctrine and methodology includes in-person service delivery; video counseling; video conferencing; and SMS/E-Mail support. The program is intense for six months but lasts a year. Your life will be changed and you will finally feel comfortable and happy eating a sensible, normal diet, post-balloon. We`ll stay with you for six months after your balloon is extracted. After that first six months we will follow up on your progress and support you when needed.

* Not every person will be a candidate for an Intragastric Balloon. We have alternatives and will offer you many ‘Options’.

* We may begin counseling/coaching prior to insertion of your balloon and see if that is enough for you. * Every patient`s weight loss needs will be evaluated individually and the patient given every appropriate option. We will help you change your lifestyle. You will learn a new form of self-discipline that is actually FUN and easy! You will find this program to be rewarding, fun, exciting and stimulating. Plan for a all-round life improving experience. You will learn some new ideas about lifestyle; lifestyle management; behavior triggers; diet; and you will have an opportunity to try a unique Canadian dietary supplement. Additionally you will be able to share experiences and support with and from others in the same situation as you.

To book your complementary appointment. Call us today at (416) 962 4444

Gastric Balloon
PRE-OPERATIVE Information`s and Instructions

  • Please inform us if you have ever had complications or serious side effects following any

previous gastroscopy exam.

  • Please inform us of any health problems or physical disabilities you may have, e.g.: hearing loss or decreased mobility.
  • If you are over 70 years of age, diabetic or suffer from hypotension (low blood pressure), please make sure you were given a morning appointment.
  • If you have medical issue/s, please have your family physician send us a copy of your medical report relevant to your present condition.
  • Bring with you to The Clinic a list of your Current Medications and also of your Allergies (to food & medication). These lists will be put in your file.


  • In case you need to change your procedure date, you need to inform the clinic at least 5 business days ahead.
  • Full payment of your procedure is due one week prior to your procedure date.
  • You need to arrange someone to pick you up, as you are not allowed to drive or go home by yourself.






Stop taking medications containing Aspirin or ibuprofen or any other anti-inflammatory for 5 days before the procedure. Review your list of medications to be certain they do not contain these. Such drugs can cause bleeding problems during and after your procedure. Instead, use medications containing acetaminophen (such as Tylenol).

  • Do not take Coumadin or Plavix (anti-platelet)
  • You must stop taking all anticoagulants (medication which thins the blood) in order to

prevent bleeding

  • You must stop taking any oral medication for diabetes to prevent hypoglycemia.
  • Stop taking Glucophage/Metformin, Diabetic, etc.from the time you begin the preparation: ‘clear liquid diet or fasting- * If you are insulin-dependent;
  • If you are taking medication for high blood pressure, it is advisable not to take it on the morning of the gastroscopy – in order to prevent hypotension (low blood pressure).
  • If you were advised to take your medication, please take it with only a little water.
  • Before you stop taking any medication, please check with your referring physician



Please call us a day prior to your procedure to confirm, in case of any time changes. You must arrive at least 1 hour prior to your procedure time.

START YOUR LIQUID DIET – Below shows some suggestions of what you can take:

  • Fruit Juices (No Sugar Added): Apple, Grape, Cranberry, Cran-Apple, and Cran-Grape juice.
  • Broth: Clear Beef, Chicken, or Vegetable.
  • Others: Decaff Coffee (artificial sweeteners okay – Skim milk or Coffeemate Non-Dairy Creamer okay), DecaffTea, Sugar Free Jell-0, Sugar Free Popsicles, No Sugar Added frozen Juice Bars, Sugar Free Koolaid, Crystal Light, Gatorade; Propel (Gatorade light), Fuze Slenderize drinks; and water.


  1. Do NOT eat or drink anything after 12:00 midnight or 12 hours before the procedure. This includes water, coffee, tea, juice, chewing gum and lozenges.
  2. Do not take alcohol

SMOKING: Not allowed


SPECIAL INFORMATION: Do NOT eat or drink anything. If you eat anything your procedure will be cancelled (which would cost you). If you take daily medication, you may take it with a sip of water in the morning.

CLOTHING: Wear only comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that does not go over your head. Remove hairpins, wigs and jewelry. Please do not bring valuables with you.

PRESCRIPTIONS: You will be given a prescription for medications which will need to be filled and used post procedure. With your permission, we can give the prescription to whoever is accompanying you to have it filled while you are undergoing the procedure. We will direct them to the nearest pharmacy.


Going for a procedure is not a normal experience for most of us. Your doctor and all of the professional staff caring for you recognize the natural anxiety with which most patients approach this step in the process of reaching their goals. We believe a description of the procedural experience will be helpful. Your procedure will be performed here at Options Weight Loss Clinic.

Specialists using modern equipment and techniques will attend to you. The team includes a hospital-staff anesthetist, trained registered nurses and a registered nurse in charge of the recovery room. Your endoscopist and the anesthetist will meet with you first for any further or last minute questions. Once you enter the procedure room, the staff will do everything they can to make you feel secure. The anesthetist may start an intravenous drip in your arm. At the same time, to ensure your safety, our staff will connect you to monitoring devices.


When your procedure has been completed, you will be moved to the recovery room. You will be connected to monitoring equipment constantly. During this period, a fully trained Recovery Room Nurse will take care of you and remain with you at all times. Your stay in the recovery room will last from 1 to 2 hours, depending on how soon you are ready to leave. Most patients are fully awake within 15-30 minutes after the procedure but may not remember much about their stay in the recovery room.


If for any reason you cannot follow the instructions above or if you need more information please call the clinic at 416 962-4444/416-926-0456 as soon as possible, so we can assist you if other arrangement is needed.

890-A Yonge St. Toronto, ON M4W 3P4
Tel: (416) 962-4444 Text: (647) 760-3234 Email: [email protected]

Stop taking medications containing Aspirin or ibuprofen or any other anti-inflammatory for 5 days before the procedure. Review your list of medications to be certain they do not contain these. Such drugs can cause bleeding problems during and after your procedure. Instead, use medications containing acetaminophen (such as Tylenol).

  • Do not take Coumadin or Plavix (anti-platelet)
  • You must stop taking all anticoagulants (medication which thins the blood) – in order to prevent bleeding
  • You must stop taking any oral medication for diabetes to prevent hypoglycemia.
  • Stop taking Glucophage/Metformin, Diabetic, etc. from the time you begin the preparation: ‘clear liquid diet or fasting’ *
  • If you are insulin’dependent.
  • If you are taking medication for high blood pressure, it is advisable not to take it on the morning of the gastroscopy – in order to prevent hypotension (low blood pressure).
  • If you were advised to take your medication, please take it with only a little water.

Before you stop taking any medication, please check with your referring physician


1. A day before your procedure date – take CLEAR FLUIDS (no solid food).

You can have ‘Ensure or Boost’ drink when you feel hungry.

2. On the day of your procedure – strictly CLEAR FLUIDS (WATER) ONLY.

You can drink water up to 5 hours prior to your procedure time.

3. Do not take alcohol

4. Smoking is not allowed


Please ensure to follow the above instructions.

Do NOT eat and follow drinking instruction closely.

If you eat anything your procedure will be cancelled (which would cost you).

If you take daily medication, you may take it with a sip of water in the morning.


Wear only comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that does not go over your head.

Remove hairpins, wigs and jewelry. Please do not bring valuables with you.

Please call us a day prior to your procedure to confirm, in case of any time changes.

You must arrive at least 1 hour prior to your procedure time.

Click here to learn about the Orbera balloon removal process

By clicking the link, you’ll discover valuable information about the safe and effective removal of the Orbera balloon. Our experienced team at La Fontaine Cosmetic Surgery Clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive resources to ensure that you are well-informed throughout your entire treatment journey.

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