


Chin Augmentation in Toronto – Enhance Your Jawline

Is Cosmetic Chin Surgery For You?

  • What Happens During Chin Augmentation Surgery
  • What Happens During Chin Reduction Surgery
  • What Happens After Chin Surgery

Chin Surgery

A well-defined chin helps give balance to your face and creates a major part of your profile. When you look in the mirror, you tend to focus on the size and shape of your nose, your ears, sagging jowls, or fine wrinkling of your skin. Cosmetic surgeons, who specialize in rhinoplasty, or surgery of the nose, are often the first to suggest that changes in chin size or shape may enhance your profile as much as rhinoplasty. It is common for a facial plastic surgeon to recommend chin surgery in addition to nose surgery when the surgeon sees that chin augmentation is necessary to achieve facial balance and harmony. Fortunately, this is a relatively straightforward procedure that can make a major difference.

If you are wondering how cosmetic chin surgery could improve your appearance, you need to know how the surgery is performed and what you can expect from this procedure. Successful facial plastic surgery is a result of good rapport between patient and surgeon. Trust, based on realistic expectations and exacting medical expertise, develops in the consulting stages before surgery. Your surgeon can answer specific questions about your specific needs.

Whether you are a man or woman, a pleasing, balanced profile can be achieved by inserting a chin implant or moving the bone forward to build up a receding chin, or by reducing a jutting or too prominent chin.

The result can be greater facial harmony and an increase in self confidence.

Another possibility for improvement through chin surgery is a procedure called submental liposuction (chin liposuction) in which excess fatty tissue is removed to redefine the chin or neckline.

When there is a contributing problem of dental issues or birth defects in the structure of the jaw itself, surgery of the jaw can improve the form and function of the lower face and greatly enhance appearance.

Your consultation with one of our top notch doctors can help you decide on the type of surgery that best addresses your concerns.

During your consultation at La Fontaine Source De Jeunesse Cosmetic Surgery Centre, your surgeon will thoroughly examine your chin and jaw to pinpoint problems.

In some instances, the surgeon will suggest chin surgery as a supplement to rhinoplasty (nose surgery) because a small chin can make the nose appear larger. Your surgeon will weigh other factors that could influence the outcome of surgery such as age, skin type, and attitudes toward surgery.

Your surgeon will describe the best technique that is appropriate for you, the type of anesthesia to be used, and answer any other questions you may have.

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Cosmetic Chin Surgery Toronto: Mentoplasty | Genioplasty What Happens During Chin Augmentation Surgery

To augment the chin, the surgeon begins by making an incision either in the natural crease line just under the chin or inside the mouth, where gum and lower lip meet. By gently stretching this tissue, the cosmetic surgeon creates a space where an implant can be inserted or the bone can be moved. This implant, made of synthetic material that feels much like natural tissue normally found in the chin, is available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes.

This allows custom fitting of the implant to the configurations of the patient`s face. After implantation, the surgeon uses fine sutures to close the incision. When the incision is inside the mouth, no scarring is visible. If the incision is under the chin, the scar is usually imperceptible. In chin reduction surgery, incisions are made either in the mouth or under the chin.

What Happens During Chin Reduction Surgery

In chin reduction surgery, incisions are made either in the mouth or under the chin. The cosmetic surgeon sculpts the bone to a more pleasing size. For orthographic surgery, the surgeon will make an incision inside the mouth and re-position the facial bones. The procedure, depending on the extent of the work, takes from less than an hour to approximately three hours.

What Happens After Toronto Chin Surgery

A green and blue map with a square in the middle.
Immediately after your cosmetic chin surgery in Toronto, the surgeon usually applies a dressing that will remain in place for two to three days.

You will experience some tenderness however post operative discomfort can be controlled with prescribed medications. Chewing will probably be limited immediately after chin surgery, so a liquid and soft food diet may be required for a few days after surgery.

Most patients feel a stretched, tight sensation after the surgery, but this usually subsides in a week.

By approximately six weeks, most swelling will be gone, and you can enjoy the beautiful results of your procedure!

Rigorous activity may be prohibited for the first few weeks after your cosmetic chin surgery. Normal activities can be resumed after approximately ten days.

Facial plastic surgery makes it possible to enhance your appearance and eliminate signs of premature aging that undermine self-confidence. By changing how you look, facial plastic surgery can improve your self-image.

Insurance does not generally cover surgery that is purely for cosmetic reasons. Surgery to correct or improve genetic deformity or traumatic injury may be reimbursable in whole or in part. It is your responsibility to check with your insurance carrier for information on the degree of coverage.

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